Press release
The intelligent tachograph version 2 is coming
Wildau / Munich, 19.07.2023 – The intelligent tachograph version 2 is coming on 21.08.2023. In preparation of the new controllunit the Landesverband des Berliner und Brandenburger Verkehrsgewerbes e.V. (LBBV) invited its members to a presentation event.
LBBV is the trade and employers’ association for commercial road haulage, freight/furniture forwarding and logistics in Berlin / Brandenburg. After the LBBV received numerous questions from its members on the subject of the “intelligent tachograph version 2”, the LBBV organised an information event on 19th July 2023 on the subject: “What does the introduction of the intelligent tachograph version 2 mean for us? Eberhard Tief, Managing Director of LBBV, led the event, which was attended by Egon Warkentin and Patrik Helbig from VDO Continental and Walther Bernard from TACHOfresh. After the presentations, the 100 participants had the opportunity to ask questions about the new intelligent tachograph version 2 and its introduction.
Photo: LBBV, from left to right Eberhard Tief (LBBV) / Egon Warkentin (VDO Continental) / Walther Bernard (TACHOfresh)
“It was very important for us to pick up our members on the important topic of the intelligent tachograph version 2, after we had gained the impression that this topic had not yet reached many of our members in its full scope,” explained Eberhard Tief. “We were very pleased with the high response and lively participation.” Egon Warkentin and Patrik Helbig from VDO presented the most important technical changes of the intelligent tachograph 2. They went into the clearly defined EU obligations to retrofit older tachographs. Bottom line: By 19th August 2025, all older tachograph models must have been replaced by an intelligent tachograph version 2 – if they are installed in vehicles used in international goods or passenger transport.
Walther Bernard made it clear in his presentation that in addition to the challenge of the conversion obligation for the companies, the intelligent tachograph 2 will also bring massive changes for the drivers. “The correct operation of the intelligent tachograph 2, with regards to the new loading and unloading feature and the confirmation of the border crossing, must be taken into account in driver training courses as soon as possible,” he urged. “The specific menu navigation of the various tachograph manufacturers also needs training.”
The discussion that followed showed how important such information events are. “It is a matter of clearly and precisely formulating the concrete requirements in connection with the intelligent tachograph 2 for every transport company. Not every company is directly and equally affected, but especially the members active in international passenger and freight transport have received important information today with which they can perfectly prepare for the new tachograph,” Mr Tief summarised the event’s outcome.
About TACHOfresh
based in Wildau near Berlin, has been developing solutions for the transport and logistics industry for 25 years. The company cooperates closely with the Technical University of Wildau. With the advent of the digital tachograph, TACHOfresh undertook a strategic realignment with the aim of becoming the competence centre for remote download and tachograph data reporting in Europe. Today, TACHOfresh serves over 3,000 customers with 100,000 drivers and 40,000 vehicles across Europe at its two German locations in Wildau and Munich and within its international partner network.
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