Terms of use TACHOfresh Software
These special terms of use, as amended from time to time, substantiate the GTC with regard to the provision of the TACHOfresh Software of the company TACHOfresh GmbH, Schmiedestraße 2 A in 15745 Wildau, and form a legal unit with the GTC, which takes effect vis-à -vis the customers in its entirety. Customers in this sense are resellers.
In the following, resellers shall be understood to be those companies that use the Integrator Software to offer it to an end customer with reference to the actual service provider or by affixing their own brand and/or using their own brand name.
The supplier is the manufacturer, TACHOfresh GmbH.
The service offered, based on TACHOfresh software, is an application that uploads driver and vehicle data to a central web server via secure Internet transmission, where it is archived for an agreed period of time and made available for analysis. A separate function reminds you to archive driver and vehicle data in a timely manner. In addition, depending on the software module, there is live data, driving time data, working time data, a remote download of driver and vehicle data and many other features.
These contractual conditions, GTC and terms of use, apply exclusively. Contractual terms and conditions of the Reseller shall not apply. Counter-confirmations by the Reseller with reference to its own terms and conditions are expressly rejected.
Download Terms of Use:

The complete terms of use are available for download as a PDF file here.